Monday, September 7, 2009

The Justice League In Felt

These are the kind of photos I should put up BEFORE I have them at Kraftbomb, but my wonderful organisation skills strike again so I'm uploading them now :) And please excuse the awful photography going on in the bottom 2, this is also due to my extremely poor time management. They were at the July Kraftbomb.


Joannalee said...

Hello - these are fantastic! do you sell them anywhere else but the craftbomb?

Polly In A Box said...

I don't really sorry, but I'm always open for commissions, if you want anything in particular just send me an email and I'll be happy to make it for you :]

Catia Garcia said...

Beautiful your pieces, I'm from Brazil, could you send me templates? please!

Catia Garcia said...

Beautiful your pieces, I'm from Brazil, could you send me templates? please!

Andrize DuARTE said...

Beautiful!!! (meu inglês é bem limitado rsrsrs) Amei as peças.